2016 Diversion Statistics for Teton County Idaho
2016 Fiscal Year Diversion Statistics
- 2016 Diversion Rate: 33.17%
- Increase of 7.4% (vs. 2015 Diversion Rate of 25.71%)
Tonnage Breakdown
- 9508 tons of material were accepted at the Teton County Transfer Station
- 6354.36 tons were shipped to and landfilled at Circular Butte Landfill
- 3153.64 tons (33.17%) were not shipped to and landfilled at Circular Butte
- 2167.21 Tons of Recyclables were sold or exported
- 933.63 Tons filled in the C&D Pit, put into piles* or are currently baled**Piles or baled materials are considered “Carry-Over” Materials
Financials Realized in 2016
Total 2016 Cost-Savings: $284,781
- Landfill Cost-Avoidance: $239,676.64**
Calculation: 3153.64 tons diverted x $76 per ton*Includes “Carry-Over” Materials since tonnage did not go to the Circular Butte in FY2016 - Revenue-Generating Materials: $69,933.27 See Chart - 2167.21 tons with an average revenue of $32.27 per ton
- Cost-Causing Diverted Materials: Oil*, Tires*, Paper & Wood: -$24,828.50 1132.13 Tons with an average cost of $21.93 per ton (vs. $76/ton to landfill)*Diversion of these materials is federally required
- Landfill Liability Cost Avoidance: $ TBD (calculation in Progress)
- Calculation: 3153.64 tons diverted with a $XX value per ton
- Calculation to be based on cost of closing and maintaining Teton County landfill and the estimated tons within the landfill
Carry-Over Materials
- 933.63 tons of Diverted Materials carried over into FY 2017 which consists of baled & piled recyclable materials, grass, manure, and C&D.
- Purposes for carrying over materials
- Market value fluctuation – wait for the market value to increase
- Freight availability
- End destination acceptance
- Accumulation Rate – carry until there is a full truckload to avoid “Light-Load Fees”
Chart 1: FY2016 Materials Accepted at Transfer Station
(Provided by Teton County)About Chart: White and Yellow cells in Columns FY15 & FY16 represent weights of materials coming into the transfer station, weighed as they come across the scales. Glass is an exception, historically a multiplier was established to estimate glass brought in by RAD.
Negative Deltas: Carry-Over Materials from 2014 to 2015 contribute to the reason for the negative deltas. Markets were soft in 2014, therefore the Transfer Station carried materials until the material market value increased, freight was available, the end destination processor was accepting material and/or the accumulation of material was great enough to be shipped out/purchased.
Chart 2: FY2016 Materials Exported from Transfer Station
(Provided by Teton County)About Chart: The weights of materials represent the tonnage leaving the transfer station, weighed as they go out on the transfer station scales. Glass is an exception, the glass tonnage shown (124.5) is glass from our onsite bins measured when emptied. historically a multiplier was established to estimate glass brought in by RAD.
*Chart does not include Carry-Over Tons (933.65) or those tons diversion value
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